我的研究兴趣主要集中在两个方面:首先,我关注中国的国际传播和公共外交,特别是中国官方媒体新闻生产的国际新闻流动以及中国外交官在 Twitter 上的行为;另外,我研究因果叙事——即描述事件之间因果关系的叙述——在社交媒体与政治话语中的呈现,及其对现实的影响。
- Liu, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhang, Y., Wang, C. J.* Unpacking the Black Box of Hostility: Threat Perception, Moral Judgement, and Aggressive Rhetoric in China’s Diplomatic Press Conferences
- Liu, Y., Huang, J., Wang, C. J.* Mapping Causal Narratives in Political Discourse Using LLM
- Liu, Y., Wang, C.J.* (2025). Mapping Causal Narratives Using LLMs in Political Discourse. Paper to be presented at the 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Liu, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhang, Y., Wang, C. J.* (2025). Unpacking the Black Box of Hostility: Threat Perception, Moral Judgement, and Aggressive Rhetoric in China’s Diplomatic Press Conferences. Paper to be presented at the 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Yan, L., & Liu, Y. (2024). Unraveling the NFT Narrative Labyrinth: Persuasive Effects of Interactive Engagement and Structure on Transaction Attention. Paper to be presented at the 74th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.